The "Joker Effect": A Perilous Trap in the Digital Age

This pattern is deeply concerning, and its implications stretch far beyond mere online disagreements. The "Joker Effect" perpetuates a cycle of negativity. With each side viewing the other as the antagonist, divisions deepen. The focus shifts instantly from discourse to an echo chamber of mutual disdain, where understanding and resolution become distant prospects not worth the time.

Don't Like Something? Don't Reiterate it.

Conversely, the dark underside of this process manifests when it intersects with the automated amplification systems prevalent in today's social media platforms. These systems, designed to prioritize engagement, can inadvertently or purposefully be used to proliferate misinformation or highly skewed viewpoints at an alarming rate.

An Open Letter to To: The Motion Picture Association of America and The Academy

By immersing themselves in the Roblox Barbie world, individuals effectively "pre-did" many of the experiences they would have otherwise encountered while watching the movie for the first time. As a result, when the time comes for them to passively engage with the film, their enthusiasm and curiosity had significantly waned. They had already lived the story in a more active and personally engaging manner, making the act of sitting and watching the movie feel redundant and unfulfilling and most importantly, not worth the time it takes to go to the movies in an age of instant everything.

The American Renaissance: Uniting through Indie Art for a Small Government Future

In an era of total political polarization and government expansion, a rebirth of Americanism is needed to revive the spirit of unity and the "melting pot" mindset that has always defined the American people. This vision proposes harnessing the power of indie artists to create a grassroots "super-network" that transcends political boundaries and cultivates a shared trajectory for a better future with a small government. By embracing artistic collaboration, empathy, and creative expression, this movement aims to unite Americans from all sides of the political aisle, reestablishing the principles that have long shaped the nation's identity but have been erased from the corporate story of who we are.

One Nation Under Narrative, Divisible by Paid Professionals

Take the example of a major streaming service promoting a documentary on climate change. On the surface, this seems like a win for environmental activists. However, the algorithm simultaneously promotes a counter-documentary to another viewer who has shown interest in climate change skepticism. In theory, this serves the preferences of both users, but in reality, it inflates an echo chamber that widens the chasm between the two groups.

Unveiling "The Human Right": Illuminating the Humanity of Conservative Americans through Art

Conservative Americans are portrayed as enigmatic and difficult and are now one of the most misunderstood groups in the United States due to lopsided storytelling that robs conservative Americans of a voice in culture. The real and numerous human beings who have conservative values, beliefs, and motivations have been silenced by corporate media narratives that depict them in a narrow, unsavory light, unworthy of a voice and unworthy of any say in the future of American life and culture.

A new movement is emerging, one that will bridge the fake gap between conservative Americans, and the rest of the nation that believes the lies of a corporate media fixated on division as its only path to consolidating all political power.

The Human Tempo

n our rapid embrace of the digital age, we've forgotten our own pace. This "Human Tempo" is crucial. It's our anchor in the storm of constant notifications, updates, integrated systems and their digital noise. Why? It keeps us connected to and in sync with the things that truly matter - the mystery, faith, and beauty in our lives.

The Jesus Frequency

Humans are God’s musical instruments, each with their potential to harmonize and create beautiful music but also prone to falling out of tune due to the 'negative energy' that summons darkness, division and chaos.

When we choose to resonate or harmonize with the Jesus Frequency - embracing love, compassion, humility, and selflessness as He demonstrated - we’re 'tuned'.

The U.S. Government: A Baseball Team in need of a Republican Ace.

Relying solely on the fastball won't secure any long term victory. The next Republican President must have a full repertoire to effectively confront foreign aggression. The changeup represents their diplomatic skills, enabling them to confuse adversaries, establish fruitful relationships, and resolve conflicts through peaceful means. A President who can skillfully employ the changeup gains the trust and respect of the international community.

The Paradox of Corporate Narratives: Exploiting Action/Reaction Reflex in Psychoanalytical Advertising and Political Narrative.

Just as corporations engineer controversies to generate buzz, the "Left" in media-driven politics skillfully creates narratives that provoke emotional responses from the public. By selectively highlighting certain issues or amplifying perceived transgressions, the Left strategically fuels outrage among its supporters and triggers action/reaction reflexes.

Battle of the Percentages: The Rise of the Conservative 10% Against the Liberal 3.5%

In the ebb and flow of political power, a seemingly insignificant shift in influence can trigger a seismic change. For years, the liberal elites of America's bustling metropolises have dominated the cultural, media, and political landscape. They form the influential 3.5%: a small but powerful group that leverages its cultural capital to wield considerable sway over national politics and policy making. But an unforeseen force is quietly amassing strength, preparing to upend the established order.

In the suburbs, small towns, collar and regional communities, a fresh, potent current is emerging, flowing from the heart of what could be called a new "Sub Pop Culture". This is where the moderate conservative 10% reside—a collective force capable of changing the direction of American politics entirely.

The Gollum Culture

Fame, it turns out, is the greatest of all opioids for the masses! The soul corrupting formula works without fail because it is hardwired into every human being. The pleasure of the flesh vs care of the soul is the battle that rages inside us all and when you lose that battle by focusing entirely on worldly pleasures and power you go FULL GOLLUM.

The Hollywood IP Drought Is Here

Big Trouble in Little Hollywood. Things change, but real systemic change only happens when the audience looks elsewhere. Consumers know it’s easy to find more interesting and relevant material on-line, on-the-go and by indie creators. The difference between contrived and fresh has never been clearer to folks on the receiving end of filmed entertainment. The jig is really up this time.