There’s only one way take control.

“All politics is narrative and all narrative is culture.”


The culture creates the national narrative and the national narrative enables our political reality. America is more divided than ever before and its not an accident and its not going to magically mend itself. The outrageous and disingenuous political divide is too profitable for the multinational corporations that produce our junk food snacks and distribute our junk food pop culture. Both kill you over time and there’s no reason to keep consuming it. Together we can establish a richer, truly organic SUB POP CULTURE that runs parallel to the corporate cookie cutter media. Let them have the high ground, we’ll take the low ground and start anew - one story at a time, one poem at a time, one song at a time, one piece of art at a time.

Valuing and supporting truly indie work that edifies what’s good about American life will fix our problems faster than any slick politician with good slogans and media adoration. We must turn to each other and establish a whole NEW MARKETPLACE of entertainment and entertainers that can serve the audience that was left behind - Mr. and Mrs. John Doe. We the People are now the counter-culture in a world of globalist storytelling and values. Ghost the mainstream culture and spend time building the new one, or patronizing it’s creators and keeping the money away from the mega-corps that see you as data on a spreadsheet and not a human being with an eye for beauty.

@WriterMcG (Twitter)

Episode 1 official - Rebuilding the culture will take a decade of storytelling by indie creators across America. Here's how we begin.

What is The Narrative?

The Cult List

SubPopCult aims to organize indie creators, present and promote their work to the American audience for the sole purpose of creating a geniune alt pop-culture made by the people instead of by corporations.

SubPopCult will be your connection point to discover new talent in all forms. SubPopCult does not produce or sell any work - it promotes and organizes the new culture.

Sign up for the email list by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

We will win the culture war by not trying to get rich, but instead trying to enrich our daily lives by establishing an indie sub pop culture.

— Michael McGruther